Why St. Louis?

by Gene Pfeiffer,  renga communications

Throughout most of human history economies have been based locally. Communities produced the majority of their own food, clothing and building materials. They also produced their own entertainment – music, song and theater. It wasn’t until the 20th century that we came to expect our entertainment to come from somewhere else – New York, Nashville, Hollywood.

In 2014, changes in technology, distribution channels and entertainment consumption are redefining the business of entertainment once again. This new paradigm in communications has opened up opportunities even for productions created here in the heartland.

Why St. Louis? Because we can. There is enough talent and technology in the region to create, write and produce a high-quality television series and share it with the community and other communities around the world.

Other reasons to work in St. Louis: it’s where the creators live, the combination of beauty and flaws that this city has, its decay and its promise, its great baseball and good beer.

St. Louis has been called the Gateway to the West, the jumping off point for pioneers. We’re asking, why not one of the Gateways to the future?

Gateway: the City’s Reason will think locally. Write locally. Direct locally. Act locally. Edit locally. Distribute locally (and globally).

Our creative and production processes will be lean, green and local (as much as is possible).

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