Category Archives: New World Business

Equal Night: the Spring Equinox and the Sports We Love

Friday, March 20, marks the Spring Equinox… Equal Night… one of the two moments every year when night and day are equal…the start of spring! Happy Spring, where hope runs eternal.

Spring training is now in full swing. We’re in the middle of the first week of the NCAA tournament where 68 (used to be 64) teams get whittled down to 16 (in the seven days from Selection Sunday to Sweet Sixteen Sunday). Daylight Savings Time & St. Patrick’s Day hangovers are nearly over. And soon the snows from this crazy winter will be gone.

Funny how things balance out. The universe seems to want to it that way. And for the most part, so do we. We don’t like it when things are out of balance. We strive to make things fair. Especially when it comes to our sporting events and games.

If there’s one thing that Americans can agree on, it’s a fair game. For good or worse, we as a culture are obsessed with sports, and to most of us, fairness and a level playing field are sacred. Americans love to compete. We play to win. And although we may root for different teams, most of us hate cheating and unfair advantages. We won’t stand for a rigged game. We hate unfair competition. So with balance and fairness in mind, we ask you a couple questions:

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Analytics in Like a Lion


Like the month of March across most of the United States, Gateway-TCR’s first analytics report came in like a lion.

Change from early January 2015 to early March 2015 is as follows:

  • Sessions: +449%
  • Unique Visitors: +433%
  • Pageviews: +638%

These increases are tied to our aggressive social media and content campaigns, and the unique and interesting content being posted on in Q1 2015.

Conservative projections are for continued traffic growth for the rest of Q1 and through Q2.  That conservative growth would get Gateway-TCR to 2190 sessions/month, 1470 unique visitors/month and 5340 pageviews/month by the end of June — WITHOUT the next episode segments: Segment 1.2 and the Pilot Prelude.

If production schedules and budgets allow completion and posting of Segment 1.2 and/or the Pilot Prelude before the end of Q2, we project traffic will be 9,000 sessions/month, 9,000 unique visitors/month and more than 30,000 pageviews/month by the end of June.

Advertisers and sponsors take notice!